In questi giorni un emendamento della Lega al DL Cultura in discussione in Commissione ispirato…

(Illustration: A partial inside view of the Arsenal compound). We are presenting here a booklet of 48 pages in which a group of more than twenty Venetian associations, the Forum Futuro Arsenale, detailed in April 2015 its ideas and proposals for the management of the large area of the Arsenale. This was originated by the fact that the entire Arsenale compound, previously the property of the Italian Navy, has recently been included in the properties of the City of Venice. The associations were able to study and realize a comprehensive proposal for what they consider the proper use of a place so rich in cultural, historic and esthetic values. The booklet was also handed over to the Unesco committee for the Word Heritage sites.
After the public presentation of the booklet, the local administrations did not express any comment. They preferred to confer temporary powers of management to a public Company, called Vela, charged with the organisation of local events such as the Carnival or other touristic appointments.
The illustrations included in the booklet show in detail the areas which could host the different actitities proposed by the associations: traditional crafts, sea and lagoon museum, education research and innovation, ship-building, social activities and sports, green areas for public use.
Please click here to open the booklet in .pdf format.